The 5 Keystones of Health & Wellness

There’s a lot of noise in the health and wellness space. Another new gadget, supplement, or quick-fix scheme is constantly being promoted and marketed as the next best thing. Even though there can be a time and place for some of these trends, in the end, they are not going to be what ultimately gets you the results you’re looking for.

There are simpler and more cost-effective ways to get results and have them be long-lasting. Here at The Union, we like to call these ways The 5 Keystones. If you allow yourself to clear out the noise, focus on these areas of health and wellness, we know you’ll get the results you’ve always wanted. The key is to be patient and understand that it’s a lifelong journey where you’ll need to give yourself plenty of grace. If you’re not feeling your best or are dealing with an illness, you didn’t get to where you are overnight. The same will be true about getting healthier and feeling better. But the good news is that it is possible and it doesn’t require you to be perfect or make a hundred changes all at once. So, allow us to introduce you to The 5 Keystones:

  1. Nutrition: What you choose to eat and drink is going to have the biggest impact on your health. This is typically the first area we dive into when working with our clients. Small, sustainable changes over time can make a world of difference in how you feel day in and day out.

  2. Stress Management: 95 percent of all diseases are caused by or worsened by stress. Incorporating stress management techniques into your daily routine is critical when it comes to managing your health.

  3. Movement: Our bodies are meant for movement. When we sit for extended periods of time, our blood flow slows down, it can prompt inflammatory responses within the body increasing the risk of insulin resistance, and it decreases your body’s ability to process fats. And that’s just to name a few things that can happen when we aren’t active. 

  4. Lifestyle: In this Keystone, we include sleep, getting sunlight, reducing toxins, and having a purpose. Many experts believe that lifespan is determined by about 10 percent genetic makeup and 90 percent lifestyle. This means we have considerable control over our health outcomes, regardless of the genetic hand dealt at birth.

  5. Community: Surrounding yourself with people who support your health goals is imperative. There are areas in the world called the “Blue Zones” where people live the longest, and one of the things they attribute to their longevity is being a part of a tribe or community.

The 5 Keystones are all interconnected and play a vital role in total wellness. Optimal health requires harmony among all of them. For example, good nutrition alone will not keep you healthy if you’re constantly overworked and overstressed. 

So as you’re thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions or goals for 2025, keep these Keystones in mind. Take the time throughout this year to build your solid foundation of health and wellness. And if you’re not sure where to start, need something that forces you to finally sit down and actually make a plan for making the changes you’ve always wanted to, or are looking for a group of women who support one another and lift each other up, join us starting January 22nd for our next Core U: Group Health Coaching session. Throughout this 6-week program, we’ll guide and support you on your journey to better health by creating a plan for incorporating The 5 Keystones into your daily life. You can learn more and register here.


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